Well, you know that glitterati like myself prefer to be seen at all of the premier events in town, especially of those supporting a good cause. It makes us look good and feel good about ourselves while helping the little people. Take today's event, for example. Australia's Biggest Morning Tea. So many groups were having lame-o tea breaks at their work "for the cause" or haus fraus dusting off old tea sets to impress friends or thick-ankled matrons from benevolent societies serving up 'slices' while rattling coin boxes to ensure a Cancer Council donation. Not for this flapper. I went to the only place to be seen this day...Victoria Park Primary School. Like, everyone who is anyone was there. Ms May's preprimary 
class hosted this classy event on their exclusive property. You know it was exclusive because of the really high fence(the higher the fencing, the higher tone a place, I tell you). Nothing but gold coins accepted by a golden haired boy and our swag bags (and who else got swag bags at their humble shindig?) were individually decorated by artistes. I rubbed shoulders with Trevor Vaughn, Victoria Park's mayor (you may remember I had breakfast with him on Anzac Day) and admired the almost paper-like yellow daffodils growing in their Olympic-sized sandbox. (planted just for the occasion.)
Our teacups were specially chosen to match our different personalities. None of that institutional sameness you'd see at at IKEA (that's so...April. ugh!) Heroes that they are, some of Miss May's troops offered their quality control services at the cookie table. Specially selected for me was a teacup cookie: a clockface cookie (set to the perfect hour of 2pm) with a thin layer of icing on its flat side. Upon which was a white marshmallow with a half Lifesaver frosted to its side. The perfect teacup! (So brilliant it outshines the top photo. You can see the broad shoulders of our fearless mayor in the shot also.) This curing cancer business is exhausting. I think I'll have a second cuppa.
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