Saturday, October 16, 2010

Victoria Park Toastmasters

Sandra in Action
Toast on display in library
    Well, everyone who knows me knows that I'm not toooooo shy.  Speaking in front of a crowd poses very little difficulty for me. In fact, I love an Audience.
      So why would I join a speaking group like ToastMasters? I had been to a TM meeting with a friend almost ten years ago and nothing clicked in the Interest or Need departments.
   Call it a convergence in my universe when I finally realized : other people existed and were interesting in the world, potential employers glancing at their watches or eyes glazing over while you talk is not a good sign, and that my best stories/answers  came to me about an hour after they were needed.  The classic TMJ Syndrome--Too Much Jaw. I needed to learn to say more while speaking less. Be brilliantly brief instead of volunteering voluminous verbiage.  And when a new ToastMasters branch was starting up here in Victoria Park on the next street, motive and opportunity met. I signed up.  Everyone feels the benefits straight away.  We learn some excellent technique and the Commendation-Recommendation-Commendation style of evaluation by fellow members is helpful without being confrontational or unsupportive.
     Admittedly, some Toasties are pretty hardcore.  They don't have and don't want any other activities in their lives, or so it seems.  Most of us at Vic Park just want to improve our speaking.  Our six month old club is too new to start dreaming of TM world domination but we went ahead with the annual speech contest process this year.  Yours Truly won both the Humorous Speech and Table Topic sections at our branch. I went on to our District comp but was edged out.  This is O.K.  The experience was yet another reminder not to go over time on my speeches (a chronic issue for this gal) and frees me up to help judge other speech competitions.
     And it frees me up to start working on the speech due on Monday.  I could enlighten everyone on how to win blue ribbons at state fairs.  But can it be done in under seven minutes...?


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