Attorneys everywhere seemed to have gotten that dark-suit-as-uniform memo. But why don't any of them anywhere brush their hair? Must be in the Universal Lawyer Code. Only one grand exception that I can see. A lawyer came through yesterday with dark hair & a modified blond Mohawk---and a suit doubtless borrowed from a not-the-same-size cousin, with a rock n' roll voice to match.
At the risk of sounding like my grandmother, here is a garden report:
I thought the almond tree out front that was whacked down by a botanical butcher posing as an arborist was a goner. But lo, we have white flowers popping up. It lives!

The colorful singing birds all disappeared (except the nasty black crows) when the estate agent chopped down out two mature trees. One little songbird has returned. You go, Tweetie!
The rosebush I liberated from the closed Carlisle-Lathlain Bowls Club and replanted by my front porch clings to life as evidenced by a single peach colored bloom.
There was a newspaper columnist (Kirkpatrick? by name) who lamented improper use of English words. Like using "regime" instead of "regimen". And "regimen" instead of "regiment". Absolutely no one in the media here seems to know the difference. I try not to roll my eyes when I hear about healthy eating regiments and exercise regimes.
I hadn't thought I was all that big on fast food but I continue to miss the $1, 'value' or 99¢ option. Mind you, I'm not buying anything else, but its the option I miss. Value Meals are rather not inexpensive. Hmmmmm, I think I have been to "Maccas" four times since I arrived in OZ.
Caught me by surprise. I was walking along the sidewalk of a suburban strip mall when my eyes spotted two horses. Mounted police patrols ticketing parking infractions. Don't know why I would think a major city which hosts many large public events would not have a mounted patrol or that, in absence of large events to monitor, the officers wouldn't be doing other duties but there they were. The Perth police department has 20 mounts--most are large draft horses or draft horse cross-breeds.
Egg rings. You know, those round metal rings used ensure perfectly round fried eggs found at fast food places? Don't recall seeing any back home. Seriously popular here along with egg cups.

Way early on in these blogs, I remarked at the odd habit of growing vegetables to detrimentally large proportions. Well, I've got artwork that set me to laughing again. A national grocery concern was promoting healthy eating and released this picture. Her left arm cradles a pumpkin. Her right shoulder braces a bale of green onions complete with carrying handle.
And finally, I've seen my first dolphin in the very brown Swan River! Followed by a few dozen pelicans floating with the current. It was during a Bridges Tour being held as part of Engineering week. What I learned of the area bridges was interesting. The dolphin and swans were exciting.
Oh, the chef has entered the cooking temple. More musings at another time.
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