We like to investigate new areas whenever we get the chance. This past Labour Day weekend we headed for Ferguson Valley to investigate the coal mining town of Collie [very clean and the sidewalks were littered with coins. I'm richer by 75 cents!] a numb
er of wineries [count on that for any trip] and Gnomesville.

From mysterious beginnings more than a decade ago (no-one knows for sure who started it), a couple of meek lawn ornaments plonked near a roundabout in Dardanup has grown into a sprawling citadel, a virtual world of more than 1000 roadside gnomes. Garden variety gnomes, sports-playing gnomes, fishing gnomes, partying gnomes from all corners of the globe – they’re all left here with
accompanying names and messages, usually richly pun-related. (Like The Rolling Gnomes, the Gnoman Empire, Sweet Gnome Alabama and travelling seniors like The Gray Gnomads.) The gnome community is self-protected by the rumour that incredible bad luck will befall anyone foolish enough to steal from or damage Gnomesville and it must be heeded as there is relatively little
damage done here. Also rumored is that wishes are granted to those who add to the collection when they visit. Try to find space! Many are hiding in foliage, up in trees or after a bit of a walk in this once tiny map-consulting park space.

After all, there's no place like Gnome.
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